Cut Down a Tree

Cut Down a Tree

Make it a big notch that goes more than halfway through the tree. The "mouth" part of this notch faces in the direction you want your tree to fall. If the tree is mostly upright and the branches are sort of symmetrical it will want to fall that direction. We tied a rope to the top of the tree to help it fall in the direction we wanted.
When you get close to the notch the tree will start to lean away from you. If it doesn't, or if it leans the wrong way and binds your saw blade, have the Oompaloompas pull on the rope tied to the top of the tree.
I misjudged the height of the tree and the distance to the nearest neighbor.I have no depth perception. That's why they wouldn't let me fly jets. It fell in the right direction, but it skinned the next tree over and hung up on it. 
There are always problems like this. This one's called a "widow maker" because you've just compressed the spring of a giant trap, and now you've got to walk into it and saw through the trigger. 
A digression: In the lower left of this frame you see a couple of handsaws laying on the ground. Those are old "bow saws" also called "Swede saws" because of where they were invented. 
One of our old Minnesota neighbors cut firewood for a living with a big old crosscut (cuts on both strokes) two-handed handsaw in the thirties. He was just getting by selling four cords (a unit of measure for firewood) a day. Then he bought one of the new Swede saws, started cutting 8 cords a day, and had enough money to get married. 
The tubular steel bow puts the blade under high tension so the blade can be very thin without puckering, and because the blade is narrow it won't bind in the kerf as much. So they can cut a very narrow kerf, removing less wood, and do it fast with less work than previous saws, which weren't much different from what the Romans had. 

Cutting down trees seems easy, and it can be, but if you don't do it right it can be dangerous and time consuming.

This intractable also assumes previous knowledge about the use and safety practices associated with chainsaws. If you do not know how to properly handle a chainsaw, either learn from an experienced operator or hire a professional to cut your tree down.

"The most imported thing is protection pants. Always ware them when using chainsaw. Cutting wood can be unpredictable, if the saw slips into your legs it can be deadly. The safety pants stops the chain before it cuts into you.

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